I know it’s not that radical an idea, but for a man who grew up and came out immediately post-Stonewall declaring myself gay or bi or whatever was important. Perhaps it’s time we stopped classifying ourselves by what we do with our sex organs, and start understanding who we are by who we love and how we express that love. A couple of them even admit they like it better than PIV (penis in vagina) sex, yet they have no emotional attraction to men other than as friends. I ponder this because I personally know of several “straight” men who have experimented with MSM (the current term for “men having sex with men but who are not gay”).
LGBTQAAI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual, allies, intersex), etc., seems to be getting a bit awkward, and perhaps someday soon we will just refer to people as “people.” Arecent article talking about the “bro job” - a sex act between heterosexual men - has me questioning the whole sexuality alphabet soup we live in.